Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In the Beginning...

There was a woman.  With teen children.  And baby chubble (on her, not on any baby).  And one grey eyebrow hair.  And entirely too much time on her hands.  So she started a blog about trying to get back into a healthy lifestyle with as little stress as possible.

Welcome to 100 easy changes--the blog that says "Hey!  You don't have to run a marathon! (hush C!*).  You don't have to go right now and buy all natural fermented miscellaneous stuff (hush, K!*)!  You don't even have to spontaneously decide that you are going to run a 5 k just to see if you can, like 2 hours before the race (yeah B, I am talking about YOU! *)!  You do not have to raise your own chickens/ducks/turkeys/bees/rabbits (yep, that is you J*).  All you have to do is make one easy change this hour.  That's it.  Nothing else.  Just one, small, easy change.".

Easy enough right?  I figure that instead of trying to TOTALLY change my life today with instant immersion into Runners World and Natural Mama, and wait for an EXCRUCIATING 6 weeks hoping all that becomes a habit that sucks less, I will just start with one hour and one change.  This hour.  And make one change that is better for me in some way.

(*BTW, do you SEE the peer pressure I have to deal with here?  How can one person have such...DANG HEALTHY beautiful friends is beyond me.  It bugs.**  I need a few friends who think that poptarts count as a fruit (there is a picture of fruit on the box), who think cake mix soup is haute cuisine, and who have ever told their kids "No fruit until you finish that donut!".  Applications within...)

(**I am kidding girls!  You make me who I am and I would not trade any of you.  :D ).

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